Thursday, March 29, 2007

Allergies Can Affect Performance in School and Work

Allergies often lead to bothersome nasal, eye, and breathing symptoms. What few realize is that allergies can result in chronic fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, and eventually affect one’s performance in school or work.

(PRWEB) January 18, 2006 -- We’ve all experienced or been around someone with a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. But imagine suffering from these symptoms on a daily basis. Unfortunately people with allergic rhinitis, or “hay fever” as it is commonly referred, have these symptoms frequently.

A task force lead by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology found that up to 40% of children have allergic rhinitis and miss millions of days of school each year because of the affliction. Adults fare no better as millions of dollars are lost each year due to deceased productivity from allergy sufferers.

Joseph R. Perez, M.D., an allergy/immunology specialist at Allergy & Asthma Care in Sugar Land, Texas , says “we see so many children and adults who are miserable from their allergies and are doing poorly in school or work because of it.” Dr. Perez notes that this may be due to interrupted sleep at night, the use of over-sedating and cognitive-impairing medication, or frequent interruption of concentration due to allergy symptoms.
“The unfortunate thing is that allergies often go unrecognized, undiagnosed, or under treated which results in problems in school or work,” says Dr. Perez. “The good news is that with proper identification of offending allergens and appropriate recommendations with avoidance measures and treatment, allergy sufferers can do very well.”

If you suspect that your or your child’s performance is being negatively impacted by allergies, consider seeking help from your physician. She may refer you to an allergy/immunology specialist who can expedite resolution of the problem by correctly identifying the offending allergen and implementing appropriate treatment. To learn more about how allergies can affect your life visit

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